bbStats Aggregation Project

Welcome to the prototype of the bbStats data aggregation project. In order to add your institution to the project you need to install the bbStats Blackboard building block (download). Next, please provide the following information about your organization. The Institution Name, Url, Schema, Token will not be used anywhere on the public interface of the system. This way you can still provide your information, compare it against other institutions, but keep it anonymous. Preview the current data. If you wish to remove your data simply fill out this form with the exact data you put in and select 'Remove data' checkobxi or contact

Institution Name:
Public Name:
(perhaps name of the City, or school nickname)
Email Contact:
Blackboard url:
(example: )
Blackboard Schema:
(example: bb_bb60 or BBLEARN )
Mobile Access Token:
(optional if configured)

Remove my data